Hi friend,

There’s only a fine line between being afraid and feeling adventure. Because both happen in the same environments.

The difference is in how STABLE and SECURE you feel in the knowledge of WHO you are. The more sure you are, the more you’ll go to new places (metaphorically and literally) to have new experiences. To move past your current edges.

I’d go and do whatever I “feared” because it excited me. I parachuted out of a plane at 12k feet. I base lined jumped off the Auckland Tower, twice. I left home even though I faced ostracism because I wanted to feel fully alive. I moved to another country on the other side of the world at 36. I learnt how to ride a motor cycle when I was 42. I left my successful corporate career to go on an untethered sabbatical to explore unmapped terrain at 42. I went back to school at 44. I started my own business at 45. I danced on stage in shows at 48. (I can’t wait to see what I do and where I go next!)

Kids get on roller coasters and try to scare themselves.

Because it’s a fine line between feeling alive and feeling afraid!

How stable are you? How well do you know your true secure nature? How deeply have you explored your core values? How connected to your Source do you live your life? When you know yourself at that level, you can be confident and fearless because you trust yourSelf. You can go anywhere and do anything you want.

When you KNOW you are Source Energy in a physical body, you feel invincible. Nothing and no one can stop you.

I’m excited to announce that I’ve finished writing The Leading-Edge Living Playbook of the 10 Daily Rituals I practise to cultivate my alignment to Source Energy and help me be stable and sure of myself. It’s now available for you and it’s just in time for Christmas! If you’re inspired by the mystics, by Abraham-Hicks and other teachers who teach us how to tune it to who we really are and co-create with Source (God/The Universe), I know you’re going to love this.

It’s packed with special resources and powerful coaching questions to set you up for success. Your mental health will skyrocket, your physical health will improve with vitality, your love life will get juicier, and your abundance will flourish. If you do the work (aka play), with the intentions I propose, I promise you that your life will take on a new level of beauty and satisfaction. You’ll be opening up (even more) to allow the Energy of The Creator to flow through you and you’ll be leveraging The Laws of the Universe – so it must; it can be no other way!

You can check it all out here. It’s $19USD and you can download it immediately to get started with designing these Rituals for your best life! From my heart to yours.

With love,

Jenny X

Photo cred: Me. Bronte, Sydney.
