An affirmation a day to raise your vibration! 11 gifts for each day until Xmas 2022.

Day 11

This new day supports me and my wonderful life.

Now it's time to flourish.

Today is the beginning of a new adventure and I am excited.

Day 10

Today I learn and grow.

I am in love with the person I see in the mirror. 

Day 9

Today is filled with numerous opportunities.

I am bound to meet success.

I find joy in everything I do.

Day 8

Today I feel healthy and powerful.

My skin radiates beauty and health.

I love and accept myself the way I am,

and that is why everything works out for me.

Day 7

I am free and fearless.

I am guided by intuition and inspiration.

Each moment of the day I trust my ability to succeed the things I accomplish.

Each moment of this day will bring more health and wealth.

Day 6

Today and everyday, the Universe is conspiring on my behalf.

My work is to know what I want and to believe it is possible for me. 

Today I relax into my brilliance.

Day 5

Each moment of the day I choose to listen to what my body tells me.

I take great care of my body; it is my temple.

I adore my body and my body adores me.

Day 4

The world is awash with money.

Money is unlimited in the ways it flows to me.

The energy of money is freedom, fun, abundance, love, expansion, security, generosity and empowerment. What's there not to love about that energy?!

I appreciate money. I approve of money.

Money loves me and I love money.

I have a super supportive relationship with money.

Money is my friend and my ally.

Every time I exchange money “I bless this money and I multiply it.”

My prosperity and abundance is natural.

Day 3

I am worthy of respect and admiration and I give it to myself in every moment.

I deserve every good thing this day offers me.

How can I best serve the Universe today?

Day 2

Today I don't judge people or situations.

I choose to think and feel only empowering things.

I am centred and at peace within myself.

I am open and receptive to Divine inspiration.

Xmas Day

Today I open my heart and surrender my mind

And I allow miracles and the magic of the Universe to come to me.

I receive with pleasure. 

I give with pleasure.

Today I will have fun.

Love and joy are my natural states.

My life is a miracle. 

I see the world with the eyes of awe and wonder.

With love,

Jenny xo
