Five days before Xmas of 2017, I was in the emergency room of Vancouver General Hospital, with an inter-cerebral hemorrhage. Street name: brain explosion ;) Three days and three nights later I walked out of that hospital, ate a delicious lunch and went home. Two days after that, I was on a 15.5 hour flight to Sydney to visit my family for Xmas, as originally planned.


What allowed this to happen? What made the difference? Well, when the doctors first told me what was going on in my brain, I heard words like cancer and neurologist and surgery. Before the fear and panic could take over, I was able to control my mind and turn to my meditation and my core belief system. Beliefs I had chosen and cultivated only FOUR years previously. I believed that everything is always working out for me. I believed that my well-being was natural and I believed that my cells knew what to do.

I was able to stay out of my own way, stop the fear based thoughts from taking over, and let my body heal. I let the nurses do their thing and take care of my pain. I did my thing, and stayed in my own mindset of empowering beliefs. No surgery. No complications.

I’m not saying you need to believe in the same things I do. What I am saying is that belief matters. We can not live beyond our beliefs.


I understood how our thoughts affect our reality and the important information our emotions give us, and I refused to let my mind entertain anything the team of doctors were telling me. I didn’t tell anyone about what was going on (except my best friend) because I didn’t want their fears, worries, statistics and “facts” to infiltrate my mind and my belief system, and my vibration. That might sound drastic but I knew how vulnerable we can be in the face of society’s mainstream thinking, especially at a time like that.


And this brings me to today.

I love to help people move beyond their own limiting beliefs, as they come up, because they do. That's what happens when we follow the desires in our hearts. They come up, not to block us, though that's how it feels and most people let them, but so we CAN change them so we CAN BECOME THE PERSON WE NEED TO BE to achieve our desires and live our dreams!

Is now your time? I invite you to join me and let me be your guide as you transform within, in this life-changing live on-line mentorship program BEYOND YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS.

If not now, then when?

with love,

Jenny XO
