I’ve been recently expanding in my desires and feeling called to share more of my knowledge and thoughts, express myself and teach on Live stream videos; and more frequently, straight from my aligned heart, in ways I haven’t done before. More of All of Me.

As I recognized this call and true desire from my Higher Self (Inner Being) I felt a surge of momentum and eagerness so I got going on it. Taking inspired action.

Then, after about 4 weeks of live videos on social media, more posts, and my 11 Days of Affirmations project, I started to slow down. That inspired action wasn’t there. For a few days.

So, I got it into my head that I was blocking myself. That my throat chakra was closed and that perhaps, deep down, I was scared. So, I started to look at “fixing it.” I read up on blocked throat chakra symptoms. Uhmmm……. No. Nope. My throat chakra was nice and open thank you.


The next day, (fyi-straight after a meditation) it “hit” me.

I had interpreted my “slowing” down as something blocking me that I needed to overcome. I was creating a struggle before I could go to success! Doh! Oh my goodness.

Now I got it. It’s so true. We do not need a struggle story before a success story!

What I was experiencing was just the natural flow of the creative process. The ebb and flow. Like the beautiful wax and waning of the moon. Natural. Needed. All totally OK. Better than OK.

Haha! I had created a struggle to overcome before I allowed my next level success. I mean, after all, that’s what society expects. It’s even idolized. So yeah, I’m not falling for that anymore.

What a beautiful, easy way to understand this! To become aware of what I was doing and choose something else.

I choose to allow success to come to me with ease and flow from now on. And with joy and fun and some laughter along the way. F yes! Amen! Say it again and feel it with me.

Where might you be creating a struggle for yourself that you can change the narrative and choose something else instead?

With love,

Jenny XO

Remember: Relax into your power. Relax into your brilliance. You were made for this.
