Whenever I find myself thinking “I don’t know”, I change what I’m telling myself and it opens doors.

For eg. “I don’t know how to do X” or “I don’t know how to make this successful” or “I don’t know what you want Phoebe” (when my cat is incessantly meowing) or “I just don’t know…” whatever it is.

I stop and I say to myself: “That’s just not true. My Inner Being knows.”

My Inner Being knows!

That broader, wise, eternal, higher and bigger part of me that is Source, that is Infinite Intelligence, God in me, knows.

And in doing that, I immediately release resistance, my nervous system calms down, I feel relief, and answers start coming to me. Sometimes immediately, sometimes a little later. (That depends on the subject and how much time I’ve spent thinking about it as a problem, aka putting resistance on my trail.)

The next step becomes clear. A new idea comes to me. Or the next, slightly clear thought comes that takes me to a solution.

It’s kind of so easy, it makes me laugh sometimes. All I need to do is catch myself so I can hear what I’m saying to myself. Awareness is key.

As a solopreneur and someone who spends a lot of time alone, I find it very helpful to have ways to talk to myself that really support me.

Why don’t you try it next time you’re thinking along the lines of “I don’t know” and let me know how it goes for you. Doing this also builds more trust in yourself and increases your belief in yourself.

with love,

Jenny X
