Today's Self-Love challenge/invitation is to answer the question in this pic for yourself. What will you put your attention on as you move toward your intention?

Because whatever we give our attention to is what we get more of. That's where our creative energy flows to.

So, do you love yourself SO much, that moment by moment, you are aware of what you're giving your attention to (doing+thinking)? And then, choosing to give it ONLY to that which supports you and your beautiful life and intentions/desires?

Be aware of yourself over the next few days and notice what you're doing with your attention. You might be surprised!

What will you put your attention on as you move toward your intention?

Let me know if you need any help with keeping your attention on your intentions for 2024. As your coach, that's what I'm here for.💕

Self-Love is your super power.

in love + some laughter,

Remember: Relax into your power. Relax into your brilliance. You were made for this.
