Did you read the story about the time my brain exploded and my beliefs changed the outcome?  Well, here's a pic of my beliefs my bestie taped onto my hospital bed! 

If you missed the story, click on the pic below and you can read all about it.

Today, I want to share ANOTHER story I promised you. Something that happened just 2 months ago. 

I'd been expanding my understanding/vibe of true abundance and what money really is.
I've been playing with the following beliefs, deepening and broadening my understanding of how they can be true for me and really feeling into the frequency of them:

Money exists to support me.
Money is my friend.
Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
I welcome money in any way it finds its way to me.
Money is a renewable reSource.
I am reSourceful.
Prosperity is my birthright.
The world is awash with money.
I am overflowing with money.
And two I learnt from The Council: Galore galore, I have everything I need and more.
Galore galore, I have everything before I even know I need it. 

The frequency of money for me is
freedom, choices, fun, unlimited possibilities, ease, comfort, joy, growth, appreciation and juicyness. I'd been feeling into all that every day, may times in the day... coz it feels great and it's fun!  

It's those last two: 
Galore galore, I have everything I need and more and Galore galore, I have everything before I even know I need it  that I'd been really focusing on. When I say focusing, I mean playing with, feeling into...  What would that be like, how would it feel to be that kind of person, what kind of thoughts would I have knowing this is what happens for me, what do I believe and expect from that state? With a gentle curiosity. Not trying to make anything happen. Staying in the "what if" and feeling open and excited about the limitless possibilities. (I find this is a great way to integrate a new belief, without the human mind kicking in and pushing against it!) 

And within a very short amount of time, only 2-3 days, I received a notification that I was getting an extra $1400 from one of my revenue streams, because of the currency exchange that day!  Ta da!  How cool is that?!! Needless to say, I was delighted and thrilled...and literally laughing all the way to the bank. 😂

What always delights me the most is connecting the dots between what I am vibing (thinking + feeling) and what happens.

Wait... there's more! 

A few days after that, my sweet cat Phoebe gets ill, and so off we go to the vet. She's diagnosed with a tooth infection and needs her tooth extracted. And guess how much that was going to cost me? Yep..... $1200!  

How cool is that?!! So, not only do I have the money before I even know I need it, but I have more. Amen!

Thank you Source.
And thank you to all the teachers I've learnt the truth from about how we create our own reality. And thanks to me for asking, learning, applying and paying attention! And thank you again Source and the Universe, for always giving.

If you'd like to join me on this liberating journey, come into the
Beyond Your Limiting Beliefs mentorship program. I'd love to support you to break through into your wildest dreams!

with love,
Jenny XO

Remember: Relax into your power. Relax into your brilliance. You were made for this.
