Descartes posited: “I think, therefore I am.”  He got it half right.
It’s:  I think AND I feel, therefore I am.
Thinking + feeling. Your mindset + your emotional guidance system = deliberate conscious creation. You think and you feel, therefore you are. Therefore, your manifested reality. Your inevitable success!
If you’ve been with me for a minute or are familiar with my work, you’ll know that I used to lead soulful, transformative, Desire Map workshops. This is a feelings first approach to designing our life and our goals. I’ve done extensive, deep, exploratory work around desires and feelings.  Now, with Beyond Your Limiting Beliefs, I’m adding the other half of the equation to complete the formula. Focusing on thinking: our mindset, our belief systems.

Abraham has always taught that when our beliefs match our desire, we are aligned with our Inner Being (Higher Self, Soul) and we are in the frequency of positive expectation (knowing). (You can read a post I wrote about that here: Expectation is the Marriage Between Desire and Belief)

Once we expect something, it will then manifest into our reality. The frequency of expectation is a relaxed excitement in its inevitable unfolding. Not attached to what the outcome ought to look like, but just knowing it will be the essence of what we desire.
Manifestation isn’t hard. You are already a master at it. Everything you’ve ever experienced, you’ve manifested. The difference is in being deliberate, conscious manifesters of what we desire, not of the absence of it, or what we don’t want. 
Jesus taught that it was our belief that makes it so. Not some special magic he alone possessed. He always said “what I can do, you can do too.” He taught that the kingdom of heaven is within us.
So, check out what the Beyond Your Limiting Beliefs mentorship journey is all about.
And sign up if you want to have the complete formula.

Cheers to your inevitable success!

with love,
Jenny XO

Remember: Relax into your power. Relax into your brilliance. You were made for this.
